Many sense that there is something more to life than our daily routines offer, but they’re turned off by organized religion. So was Jesus. In fact, Jesus broke many of the rules of the religious people of His day. He said that the rules of the religious were getting in the way of authentic faith. Some might say the same thing is happening today.
At Knox, we’re not about rules, or rituals. We’re not an exclusive club for the holy. We’re just folks struggling to find our way in a new life with Jesus as our focus. Not rules. Not ceremony. Not pretenses. Just Jesus. And Jesus is all we need. We’re a community of individuals with problems and issues and struggles. We’re anything but pure and we admit it. Jesus knows who we are, what we think, how we act. So we just look to Him to help in our new life.
It doesn’t need to be complicated. Jesus made it sound simple. The religious types around him had hundreds of rules. He had two: 1) Love God. 2) Love one another. Sounds simple. But doesn’t it really sum up everything we need to know and do? If we could learn to reach up (to God) and reach out (to one another), wouldn’t life be full of meaning?
Jesus was all about love. We try to be too. We have a soup kitchen that serves our community on Tuesday mornings. We provide space for the Out of the Cold program in winter months. We minister to children, youth, young families, and the elderly. We hope to do more. We want to do more.
If you like what you are hearing we welcome you to join with us to worship, study, help others and hang out. Come by on Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. Dress is informal. Our worship is approachable and contemporary. No experience necessary. Free coffee. Friendships available. Laughter welcomed. Kid friendly. Nothing taken overly seriously – except the love of Jesus.