A Wedding is a special occasion in the life of a couple, and Knox Presbyterian Church, is happy to be part of this important step. If you are interested in having your wedding at Knox please contact the church office and arrange to speak to the minister. Our Minister has the training and experience to make your day special and meaningful.
Marriage is a legal contract between two people and is licensed and registered by the Province of Ontario Our minister is legally authorized to perform marriages by the Province of Ontario. Christian marriage is however, more than a legal contract. It is a covenant between two people made before God. It is an act of faith and is conducted in the context of the worship of God. The couple, the family and friends meet in the church to ask God to be with them and bless them, to listen for the Word of God and to pray together.
The Interview: Your first step to being married at Knox is to meet with the minister so that both you and the minister may become acquainted. The minister will ask questions about your wishes for the wedding and make sure all church policies are clear. It is your wedding and he will want to make the service as personal and meaningful for you as possible.
License: It is your responsibility to purchase a marriage license and ensure that it is at the wedding service. A marriage license may be obtained from the town hall. The license must be dated at least three full days before the wedding, but once obtained is valid for three months. Please fill out your license and leave it with the church administrator no later than one week before the wedding. http://www.midland.ca/Shared%20Documents/marriage%20license%20instructions.pdf
Premarital Counselling: The Pastor will provide three sessions of premarital counselling at no extra charge should you desire it.
Music: Knox Church does not currently have a resident organist, but we can assist you in finding one and planning traditional music if that is your desire. We are fully equipped to accommodate your AV needs should you choose to utilize recorded music or video.
Rehearsal: This is usually arranged for the evening before the wedding. Only the members of the wedding party and those involved in the wedding ceremony need attend. Please be on time. The Minister is in charge of the rehearsal. There is no extra cost.
Photographs & Video Cameras: Photographs may be taken before or after the marriage service and during the signing of the register, but not during the service. Video cameras may be used during the service, but from the balcony so they don’t interfere with the ceremony.
Confetti: Please refrain from scattering confetti on the church property. Thank you for being considerate in this way.
- Sanctuary: $250
- Minister: $300 on site. $350 off site.
- AV technician: $75
- Organist: Arranged with the organist
- Custodian: $60 (For the first three hours plus $15/hour after three hours)
At the time of booking your wedding, a non-refundable $125 deposit is to be paid within two weeks of booking your wedding to secure this date for you. Please print and sign the rental agreement with your deposit. The balance of the rental charge is payable not later than the day before the rental; and, if not paid, the rental will be cancelled and the deposit forfeited. Payment to the custodian, Av tech, minister, and organist, is made directly to the custodian, AV tech, minister and organist in their names.
Building Use Guidelines:
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere in the building or within 25 feet of any church entrance. If guests want to smoke outside, we ask that they dispose of their cigarettes in their car ashtrays.
- Flowers, Candles, Candelabra etc: It is customary for the bride/groom to make their own arrangements with a florist. If you are using candles in your ceremony they must be the dripless kind. We ask that you do not throw flower petals inside or outside the church. Pew ribbons or other decorations are permitted. Please do not scotch tape the pew bows as it removes the finish from the pews.
- Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on the premises. Use of alcoholic beverages could result in a fine and cancellation of your reception.
- For safety reasons, rice, birdseed, flower petals, etc. are not to be used anywhere on the premises. No bubbles or silly string are allowed inside the building.
- Asparagus ferns, messy greenery, or dried materials are not permitted to be used on the pews or stage area.
- Photographers and florists are asked to do their work within the time constraints set by the church.
- Knox Presbyterian Church will not be responsible for valuables left during your wedding and/or reception. Clothes, purses, billfolds, etc. are your personal responsibility and should be removed from the building and locked up in your cars.
- Any damages to church property should be reported to the officiating pastor.