Our current space is located at 248 Midland Ave. Our previous facility, opened on March 1st, 1903, is a beautiful structure that has contained a faithful history of worship, service, and love within its walls. The sanctuary has been updated for modern worship, but still retains
a distinct charm from days past. The education wing of the church provides space for our staff, congregational and community meetings, and our various programs. To book use of our facilities please contact our Jolene Ens in the office.
In the summer of 1867 Mr. Alex Gilray, a student of Knox College, began coming to the Dobson family home to hold worship services from time to time. In the beginning there were only two or three faithful families, but as time went by, the numbers grew, and in 1874 Knox Church was organized under the guidance of Simcoe Presbytery.
The fledgling congregation continued to meet in private homes, but by 1879 it became clear that a church building was needed. A lot was donated on Manly Street, and a 36 feet by 48 feet frame building was erected. The Minister’s salary was set at a generous $75.00 per year.
By 1887 the congregation had grown so much that a new building was needed. A lot was secured on Hugel Avenue, where the current building stands. The contract to build the new church was drawn up at a sum of $3,400. The building was completed and worship began in October of the same year, thirteen years after the congregation was formed. It soon became apparent that a cemetery was needed in Midland, and so Lakeview Cemetery was purchased by Knox Church in 1888.
Rapid development took place in Midland in those early days, and the congregation shared in the general growth and prosperity of the community. By 1902 it became clear that a more sizeable building should be erected. Toronto architects, Simpson and Moffat, were engaged to design the new church building. Local contractors J.M. Wallace and F. Cook were awarded the contract to build for $13,007. The Cornerstone was laid on August 5, 1902 and in March of 1903, opening services were joyfully celebrated in today’s church building.
The building was described as follows; “The building is situated on gradually rising ground, lending dignity to the heavy tower with its battlements, buttresses, louvres, etc. carrying one back to the early architecture of the Scot. The entire building is a treatment of Tudor Gothic”.
In 1924 the congregation celebrated its Fiftieth Anniversary and due to a bustling Sunday School program, and need for more meeting space, took a leap of faith and built a new Sunday School wing to commemorate the Jubilee. In 1926 the new Memorial Sunday School was built at a cost in excess of $40,000.
Like any congregation with such a long history, Knox Presbyterian Church has seen its share of difficult times, such as the First World War, the Depression of 1929, The Second World War, and various economic downturns over the many years. However, during all these times Knox has been a source of spiritual strength and inspiration for the people of the town of Midland.
During the long history of Knox Church, the congregation was well served by a long list of faithful Ministers. Their pictures can be seen in the gallery in the Boardroom, behind the sanctuary platform. However it is said that our current minister is certainly one of the youngest and most handsome of them all. Many Elders served the church as well, many of them for much of their entire adult lives. For example, Mr. R.G. Nesbitt was appointed Clerk of Session in 1904, and served in this capacity for fifty years in a most efficient and faithful manner! Leadership has always been a great strength in this faithful congregation.
However, our biggest strength has always been the faithfulness of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is our great Prophet, Priest, and King. He is the Head of this church, and the vine to which we, the branches, cling. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, and to the glory of God the Father, for 140 years the Word of God has been faithfully preached at Knox Church. Whether it was in people’s homes or in one of the various buildings in which we’ve met over almost a century and a half, the people of Knox Presbyterian Church have sought to know, love, serve, and share Jesus Christ, in obedience to the Great Commission.
Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”Matthew 28:18-20
Please join us in offering grateful thanks and praise to God, for sustaining and blessing us over these many years, as we look confidently to the future, under His care and guidance.