Christmas is a special time for giving to those in need. Below you will find 3 ways that together we can support our community and beyond with the love of Jesus Christ this Advent/Christmas. (Please note that there is no pressure to support all or any of these activities.)

The idea is simple yet meaningful. Instead of getting something each day leading up to Christmas in December, you put one item into a box to be distributed to the Soup Kitchen, a sponsored family, or someone else in need. Bring your boxes in by December 19th and we will make sure it gets to people who can really use it. REVERSE ADVENT CALENDAR IDEAS

In 2019 through 2021, through a donation of toys from a local Toy Drive, Knox blessed local families with a Toy Distribution Night in December. This year a solicitation for toys has been made once again and we ask that you fill out a form in advance and secure a time slot to receive your toys. Forms are due to by November 26th. The date to pick up toys is December 17th from 9:00am to 3:00pm.

Every year Knox gathers warm items for those who need them most. This year we are focusing on new warm coats, hats, mittens and good used or new blankets. Each Sunday in Advent you can bring your items to Knox and we will distribute them directly to the homeless in the Midland area.